6/18/2006 01:26:00 AM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|I'll have to look at the odo for an official ouch meter. Here is some classic storm video. |W|P|115061225253163215|W|P|I forced Miller to chase some poor stuff today|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com6/15/2006 04:50:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|I tend to get asked by lots of people when “Tornado Season” is. I guess because there is an “Official Hurricane Season,” people in the plains feel there should be an analog. I use April 15th – June 15th as the season for tornado alley. Like any season one has to look back and take stock. I got to see one tornado this year with Justin Teague and Matt Patterson. It was a beautiful storm that coincidently occurred on April 15th just South of Beatrice, NE. Anecdotally several experienced chasers have agreed that this is the worst season since 1988. It is kind sucks winning the opening game of the season felt so good and then loosing every other game of the season. I say loosing, which is an overstatement because we chased some good storms and had some fun times with friends. I met Matt Patterson on June 2nd 2005 in Dodge City, KS. At the time he was chasing for a rival TV station. Matt has since become a regular chase partner. I’ve befriended several other veteran chasers and learned a lot more about difficult to forecast events. 2006 has been so bad that the synoptically evident days really have not existed. I’m starting to get invites to various lakes and need to catch-up with some of my non-chase friends. Tomorrow may represent one last chase to Lubbock, TX.|W|P|115040830560596758|W|P|Tornado Season|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com6/15/2006 10:54:00 AM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|With the aid of a few admin friends we completed a thorough audit of gobob.com . We buttressed some holes and chose more secure passwords. Interestingly Tuesday's attack appears to have been perpetrated by two individuals; one who actually broke-in and the second who defaced the site. Andrea Miller summed it up best when she said “why would anyone bother.” I can’t believe that this is how someone spends their time. I do feel almost special in a way that someone hates me enough to bother. We will see what happens. I am offering a $200 reward for information that leads to the identification and humiliation of the individuals involved. My email address is pretty easy to guess if you think of my first name.|W|P|115038693705452217|W|P|I'm Back|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com6/15/2006 10:22:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Steve Miller|W|P|I'll add $100.00 to your reward.6/16/2006 09:43:00 AM|W|P|Blogger Steve Miller TX|W|P|Count me in for another $100. That's $400 so far.6/17/2006 06:47:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I'm in for another $100
= $5006/14/2006 01:50:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|On June 13, 2006 the gobob.com site was hacked by an unknown vector and unidentified individuals. Numeric IP addresses have been captured from server logs. Google who hosted the blog portion of gobob.com has expressed their willingness to work with law enforcement. Fortunately from a previous job I do have some Federal law enforcement contacts. Unfortunately no real charges will ever be prosecuted for this offence, but I’m willing to bet the perpetrators are committing other crimes that likely will be prosecuted. It is amazing how many murders and other felons are captured from routine traffic stops. I will be chronicling my journey to track these individuals down. It should make for an interesting update post takedown. I have changed all passwords to much more difficult to guess ones and added some imbeded tracking tools to make future attempts more traceable.|W|P|115031112162504766|W|P|Update|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com6/13/2006 09:55:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|The Last Man On The Moon

Apollo 13 was launched on 11th April 1970 with Lovell, Fred Haise and John Suigert. Unfortunately an oxygen tank ruptured, so landing on the moon had to be cancelled. The power and survival systems of the Lunar Module was used to swing behind the moon and return to Earth four days after take-off.

The Americans waited nine months before launching Apollo 14. Modifications had been carried out to the spacecraft to prevent a recurrence of the previous malfunction.

Captain Shepard and Commander Edgar Mitchell landed the Lunar Module in the rugged Fra Mauro region of the moon, while Stuart Roosa remained in lunar orbit in the Command Module.

Shepard and Mitchell spent nine hours exploring an area containing some of the oldest rocks that had yet been recovered. They collected 96 lbs of geological samples and deployed scientific instruments. They returned to Earth on 9th February 1971.

On 26th July 1971 Apollo 15 was launched, manned by Colonel Scott, James Irwin and Alfred Worden. Scott and Irwin spent nearly three days on the lunar surface near the Apennine mountain range, which is one of the highest on the moon.

They deployed more scientific instruments and collected 200 lbs of rock, including a crystalline piece of the original lunar crust, which was about 4.6 billion years old.

They left a television camera on the surface to record their departure. Before leaving orbit a satellite was launched to transmit data about gravitational, magnetic and high-energy fields in the lunar environment. They returned to Earth

|W|P|115025379603761502|W|P|OK OK|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com6/13/2006 08:46:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|If you have never seen “The Right Stuff,” stop what you are doing immediately and go rent, no buy a copy. This movie extols the glory years when we decided to leave the gravitational confines of the Earth. It was the greatest time in American and Soviet history. We had a great opponent and just like chess, golf, tennis, or cards, a great opponent can make you play the game at a much higher level. There is such a thing as playing too well. At some point you have beaten everyone so badly that no one wants to play. When you are launching $2,000,000 missiles to destroy a canvas tent in the desert you really have lost any challenging Bridge duo’s. (Hang on this really is going some place.) Today the FAA made Burns Flat, OK the sixth commercial spaceport. We join the likes of Vandenberg Air Force Base, Mojave Airport, Cape Canaveral, Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (Wallops Island) in Virginia, and Kodiak Island Alaska. What is interesting about this other than the Cape, the other four sites are almost exclusively military in nature with an occasional communication shot. Burns Flat is smack dab in the middle of tornado alley, a marketing issue the I’m sure the Las Cruces, NM guys will use when they get their license later this year. The name alone should tell you everything, it Burns and is Flat. Note that it’s Burns and not Burn’s as if named for C. Montgomery Burns; this place catches on fire and is flat (truth in advertising). Coincidently this seem like the perfect place to let hackers try to blast millionaires into orbit. I need to get some press credentials for this facility. Apparently the only thing interesting NASA has left to do is fly confederate flags on the International Space Station. Between this and tossing old space suits out with defective HAM radio gear in them, I think we can safely say that the agency has lost its way. 12 bold men walked on the moon in my lifetime. On December 11, 1972 I remember going outside on a cold Minneapolis night and staring at a bright crisp almost first quarter moon with my dad who had worked at Hamilton Standard a scant five years previous on some of the life support systems used in Apollo. He had gotten word that the program was over and relocated back to Minnesota. I was a five year old kid and could not believe that we were abandoning the moon. I remember asking one of those impossible kid questions “will we ever go back?” To Be Continued…|W|P|115024965221857199|W|P|Failure Is An Option|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com6/05/2006 11:13:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|Matt Patterson and I bit to the SPC moderate risk and spent the day in a gas station in Salina, KS. Persistent cloud cover all afternoon could not produce sufficient isolation and convective heating to break the cap. We could not bring ourselves to drive to Nebraska where our guidance suggested. Fortunately we had the good sense to call it off after we realized there was practically no potential. Currently the SPC has only one tornado report for the day near Leonard, ND. There was a report of 4.25 inch hail in Champion, NE. Today racked up 554 chase miles. TRADD Tornado Research and Defense Development pulled into the gas station in Salina with a cadre of six Europeans stuffed in their vehicle. As Matt pointed out it was easy to determine they were not American because they exited the convenience portion of the gas station with pears and bananas and not Cheeto’s or Slim Jims. I goad Matt who is not familiar with TRADD’s reputation into going over and saying “Hi.” Needless to say his introduction did not go well; because maybe these guys are hiding something from their $1699 per week paying clientele. I’m not sure what was funnier, us trying to sneak photos of them or the European’s trying to sneak video of us.
Photo courtesy of Matt Patterson
I really wanted to tail the van to make them think we had latched on to them as a trailer. I figured it would really piss them off and give our guests from across the pond a proper show, but alas I left Mr. 9mm at home this morning and Mr. Terry Buck looks like a pretty tough guy that I probably could not take in a fight.|W|P|114956737314399898|W|P|06-05-06 Wow that Really Sucked|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com6/10/2006 04:19:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Darin|W|P|That's awesome Bob6/04/2006 09:05:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|The vagarities of work and weather have made the past two years a less then bountiful crop of photogenic super cells. I have a strangely strong sense that tomorrow may bring atmospheric fury. In any case, here is my current intercept thinking. |W|P|114947323002826917|W|P|Opportunity Knocks 06-05-06|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com