9/21/2006 11:19:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|A quick chase with Steve Miller. 78 miles round trip to intercept his target that would become a large tornado warned storm in Nowata and Craig counties (OK). We disengaged at dark as these storms had almost no lightening. We met up with Matt Patterson and Heather just before sunset and shot some cool structure stuff. Another waste of a major thermodynamic setup. Really fun chase with friends. Note that the storms were fast, but not 155 mph. A little structure video that aired (unattributed) on the 10:00 PM KTUL News. Our latest chase technology is pretty funny. I hope I can get a copy from Steve. |W|P|115889936454685090|W|P|9-21-06|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com9/13/2006 10:33:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|Any guesses as to where Bob will spend his weekend? |W|P|115820505924866399|W|P|9-16-06|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com9/13/2006 07:43:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|Recently my employer's content naughtiness firewall began blocking all google blogger sites. I've moved gobob to one of my other servers. If you see something strange, please leave a comment. Thanks... In the time honored programmer tradition, I took the opportunity to fix something that has bugged me for a while (the awful color that article headlines have by default). I joke about this because too many times I've seen a programmer assigned to fix one thing, and then "since the code is checked out anyways:" let me "fix" this one little thing and then three weeks later code that has run flawlessly for years blows up. The inquisition begins and new code is compared to old. Why the F*** did he change that? It now matches our new logo color. I’ll take the unusual approach and leave this as a comment for the next guy. 9-13-2006 moved blog via ftp to www.wisesky.com/linked/clog and updated domain forwarding at www.gobob.com. Modified article headline color to a more ADA compliant one to assist the blind. .post-title { margin:.25em 0 0; padding:0 0 4px; font-size:140%; line-height:1.4em; color:#ad9; Changed to: color:#ffc040; A Senior VP in Marketing finds out this can be changed (he’s previously been told that the development tools that we have aren’t sophisticated enough to allow us to change these things and the ultra-dev version of a new tool would, but you rejected the $1,000,000 request). You will now be changing the color on a weekly basis. Welcome to my world. Marketing selected "a whiter shade of pale" as our core demographic and headline color. color:#ffffcc |W|P|115819469009708971|W|P|Banned!|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com9/13/2006 06:33:00 PM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|Normally I spend the 3rd weekend in September at an outdoor music festival in Winfield, KS. Because of my work schedule I will not be able to go this year. Camping in a tent you get to really experience the weather. About one year out three we get clobbered by a significant storm. SPC is gainingg confidence in an event. One more chase possibly... |W|P|115819054618218767|W|P|September 16-17|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com9/06/2006 12:23:00 AM|W|P|Bob Hall|W|P|Steve Irwin, the irrepressible naturalist who had an unfakable zeal for the animal kingdom died in such a freakishly strange stingray attack that culminated as he pulled the poisonous barb out of his own heart while tape was rolling. Other than suicide we generally don’t get to pick the mode of our death. The oft cited, “he died doing something he loved,” is strangely comforting. Irwin’s manager had this to say “If ever he was going to go, we always said it was going to be the ocean,” Stainton said. “On land he was agile, quick-thinking, quick-moving and the ocean puts another element there that you have no control over.” on MSNBC.com Storm chasing to me is what wrestling a crock was to Mr. Irwin. There are real risks, but when you see what Mother Nature has under her skirt; it’s a peep show you can’t resist. I’ll be prophetic here and say that I won’t be killed by a tornado. Getting stuck by lightening or hydroplaning into an oncoming truck are much more likely modes for me to check-out while chasing. As we head into the ‘06 elections, the reigning leadership has a plan to scare you. It has worked well for their reelections in the past and will be used in full force. Steve Irwin was never afraid of any of the deadly animals that could have done him serious harm. He met his premature end with a docile animal that is very rarely deadly to humans. DON’T BELIEVE THE SCARE TACTICS. It is the stuff you are not anticipating that will probably kill you.|W|P|115752031831763126|W|P|Crikey!|W|P|ChaseHelp@gmail.com